
The Gosnells Primary School Dress Code shall reflect the pride and ethos of the school community.


A school dress code:
• fosters and enhances the public image of the school – and in building school and team spirit;
• ensures students are dressed for specific school activities and encourages equity among students;
• clearly identifies students when they represent, or participate in excursions or at school social functions;
• identify what faction a student is in when they participate in sport or physical education if they are wearing their faction shirt.

Recommended Uniform

  • uniforms-1gold T-shirt, polo shirt or skivvy;
  • royal blue windcheater or zip jacket;
  • royal blue shorts, skorts or skirt;
  • royal blue track pants or long cargo pants;
  • blue and white checkered dress;
  • faction t-shirt with faction specific emblem;
  • appropriate enclosed shoes with socks or strapped sandals;
  • sun safe royal blue hat (with 7 cm all round brim or a legionnaire’s cap);
  • wearing of shirts, windcheaters and jackets with school emblem is preferred;
  • students are to wear sun safe hats when outside in the sun (not compulsory during the winter months of June, July and August); and
  • on sports day students can wear a faction t-shirt or clothing appropriate to the sport they have chosen in faction colours.

Dress Code Inclusions

  • uniforms-3children are to adhere to school colours;
  • tops are to be official school shirts or plain gold shirts;
  • skirts, tracksuit pants, leggings and shorts should be plain royal blue;
  • appropriate enclosed footwear with socks or strapped sandals;
  • sports uniform or faction colours for sports events; and
  • hair of both sexes is to be tied back and kept clear of the child’s eyes.

Dress Code Exclusions

  • thongs, health sandals, slip-ons, ugg boots, rubber boots, football boots in class, high heels or platform shoes;
  • jewellery (watches, ear studs and sleepers are acceptable).  Make-up is excluded, this includes nail polish;
  • bulky jackets to be worn over a jumper and removed before entry to class;
  • brief shorts, board shorts or denim shorts;
  • clothing with vulgar, lewd or offensive slogans or pictures;
  • no logos bigger than a bankcard; and
  • tee shirts and long pants not in school colours, jeans, camouflage clothing, black clothing, checked shirts or long coloured striped socks.

Advice to Students on uniforms-2Dress Code

A sun safe hat in the school colours is compulsory all year round.  The brim should be approximately 7cm or legionnaire style.  School uniforms may be ordered through the Gosnells Primary P&C Uniform Shop (second-hand school clothes are available).

Modification to Dress Code

Students who for religious or health reasons may need to modify the school dress code are required to make an appointment with the Principal to negotiate alternatives.  Staff will be informed of these students.

Uniform Shop

As a P&C committee we are happy to operate a uniform shop for the use of all parents in purchasing school uniforms.  It is staffed by parent volunteers whose aim is to assist parents.  In the Uniform Shop we sell brand-new uniforms with the school logo on them; the majority of which are only available in even sizes such as 2, 4, 6 etc.  Price lists are available in the front office or by clicking the link below.  We look forward to serving you and hope that if you feel comfortable that you will come and join us.  All volunteers are welcome.

You can email your order form to gosnellsps.pandc@gmail.com or hand your order form in at the School Office with a cash payment if you prefer.

adobe-pdf-icon GPS – Uniform Order Form 2024